Z-Inactive Mount Olive Lutheran School  ( + )

Do you use AmazonSmile?

Do you use AmazonSmile? You can get the same products, prices, and shopping features as Amazon.com. The difference is that when you shop on AmazonSmile, the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible products to the charitable organization of your choice. This past quarter, Mount Olive Lutheran Church and School of Appleton Wisconsin received a donation of $136.68.

AmazonSmile's impact:

· $1,425.65 to Mount Olive Lutheran Church and School of Appleton Wisconsin

· $217,644,976.48 to all charities in the US

· $237,615,915.89 to all charities worldwide


Here's how to sign up for AmazonSmile:

1. Visit smile.amazon.com.

2. Sign in with your Amazon.com credentials.

3. Choose a charitable organization to receive donations, or search for the charity of your choice.

4. Select your charity.

Thank you for supporting Mount Olive!

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Updated on 1/25/2021 12:26:51 PM