Z-Inactive Mount Olive Lutheran School  ( + )

Forward in Faith 2 Workday

Construction on our new kitchen and classrooms will begin on June 1. However, before that can happen (and to reduce the cost of the project), Mount Olive needs a team of volunteers to gut the fellowship hall and kitchen (remove flooring, ceiling, cabinets, and appliances) and also clear out everything in the new kitchen space. Please help us! We’ll begin on Saturday, May 29 , 7:00 a.m. –noon and 1:00 p.m.– 4:00 p.m. (Sunday p.m. and/or Monday a.m. if necessary). We could use 15-20 workers. Come when you can; leave when you must. Masks are optional. Please sign up in the atrium or here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040A45A4AC2FA2FF2-mount

If you have any questions, contact Ken Wallace at 920-740-7690 or KWallace@dkattorneys.com. Or contact pastor.raasch@mountoliveappleton.com. Thank you!

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Updated on 5/13/2021 7:56:53 AM