Z-Inactive Mount Olive Lutheran School  ( + )

Get Scrip Faster -
Order ScripNow! ScripNow eCards are electronic gift cards that can be ordered and printed right from your ShopWithScrip account – perfect for those last minute situations. With ScripNow eCards, you can purchase and print scrip from home and go shopping in minutes. (Please note, in order for this process to work, you must enroll in PrestoPay, which draws the funds from your checking account. If you click on pay by check, your order will not be processed until your check is received at Mount Olive and entered into the system.) If you do not already have a ShopWithScrip account set up, email scrip@mountoliveappleton.com. An email will be sent to you which will enable you to order online. Ordering is easy. Log into your ShopWithScrip account and follow these steps: 1) Browse more than 400 available brands, and select your ScripNow product choice. 2) Pay with PrestoPay to receive your card in minutes. (PrestoPay uses the same electronic payment transfer used by direct deposit systems. To enroll, log in to your ShopWithScrip account, click on the PrestoPay link under Family Functions on your Dashboard, and enter your checking account information.) 3) Print your ScripNow right from your ShopWithScrip account and redeem it at a store OR enter the eCard code for online purchases. If you have any questions, please email scrip@mountoliveappleton.com.
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Updated on 12/3/2018 11:12:38 AM